Our abysmal tax code — Part 2

  • Loren Lippincott represents Legislative District 34 in the Nebraska State Senate. Read his column in the Nance County Journal.

    Loren Lippincott represents Legislative District 34 in the Nebraska State Senate. Read his column in the Nance County Journal.

    Loren Lippincott represents Legislative District 34 in the Nebraska State Senate. Read his column in the Nance County Journal.
“Nothing is certain except death and taxes,” observed Benjamin Franklin. Since he penned that proverb in 1789 taxes have taken many new forms with deadly consequences for our economy. Last week, with acknowledgements to Daniel J. Pilla’s, excellent pamphlet, “Ten Principles of Federal Tax Policy,” we noted five shortcomings in our present tax laws, showing they are lacking in simplicity,…

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