A salute to veterans

  • Loren Lippincott represents Legislative District 34 in the Nebraska State Senate. Read his column in the Nance County Journal.

    Loren Lippincott represents Legislative District 34 in the Nebraska State Senate. Read his column in the Nance County Journal.

    Loren Lippincott represents Legislative District 34 in the Nebraska State Senate. Read his column in the Nance County Journal.
Camaraderie—the rapport and comradeship that unites a group of people—is found wherever people gather. It’s evident on sports teams, in church groups, within school classes and it unites members of a family. However, as a veteran of the U.S. Military, I can think of no deeper bond than that found within a military combat unit. Few things weld people together into a tightknit group more than…

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